NOEMIX contributes to the transition to a low carbon economy by reducing urban pollution caused by internal combustion engines and increasing energy production from renewable sources.
The first step of the model provides for the establishment of the so-called regional "PA panel", coordinated by the FVG REGION, which will organize a dedicated internal unit. The members of the panel are the referents indicated by all the bodies that have decided to take part in planned activities (regional health authorities, local authorities, port authorities, research centers and universities).
All the institutions involved meet periodically to discuss and guide decision-making. The PA panel facilitates of data-collection and information processes, useful for carrying out the analysis of mobility needs of regional public institutions, which in turn will benefit from the results obtained in the study.
On the basis of the acquired data and of the analysis of the mobility needs of participating public authorities, a feasibility study will be drafted, corresponding to the analyzed existing scenario and the expressed needs, and also considering the evolution of technical and technological solutions and market trends, in line with the objectives of NOEMIX. The results of the feasibility study will serve as input to the drafting of a business plan to be used for developing the financial scheme of NOEMIX.
Moreover, in order to finalize the requests that NOEMIX will address to the market, a series of workshops will be organized to analyze the feedbacks and suggestions of the operators of the mobility sector (automotive leasing companies, ICT specialists, automotive manufacturing companies, mobility experts). The involvement of the regional ‘PA panel’ in all phases of the project will offer the opportunity to gather suggestions and recommendations from the public authorities participating in the project as well as to raise their awareness on the process and the opportunities it offers.
Tender to request and award a turn-key service providing the provision or installation of the following:
ELECTRIC VEHICLE for rent CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURES (charging stations, either public or for exclusive use) SOFTWARE for the management of the fleet (bookings and management of the car-sharing service)
With the support of legal and administrative experts, the legal instruments and the purchasing procedures that best suit the needs of NOEMIX will be identified,in line with the findings of the technical analysis and the economic and financial plan.
Following the drafting of the documentation to be published to select economic operators and the award of the contract for the provision of the service of NOEMIX, the staff of the participating public authorities that will manage the NOEMIX contract and the relationships with the economic operator providing the service will benefit from an ad-hoc training.
Vehicle end-users–namelythe employees of the public authorities that will be using NOEMIX mobility service – will participate in 4 workshops (encompassing dedicated sessions on how to drive and recharge electric vehicles) that will serve as an opportunity to present theinnovative tender scheme andNOEMIX service,as well as togather participants’ feedbacks and increase their level of ownership of the initiative.
Over a time-span of five years (2022-2027), NOEMIX will replace part of the fleet of vehiclesof nterested public authorities by means of a mobility service based on the long-term rental of electric vehicles. By aggregating the mobility needs of several public authorities, the current model based on car ownership will be phased out and replaced by a centralized electric mobilityservicemanaged by private operators.
In addition to the car-sharing service, to the rental of electric vehicles and to a software aimed at managing and optimizing public authorities’ mobility, NOEMIX envisages to install charging stations as well as to produce electric energy from renewable energy sources by installing a photovoltaic systemat Friuli Venezia Giulia Airport.
The tender will be managed by the regional administration of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region through the ‘NOEMIX mobility unit’ and all maintenance cost of the vehicles will be covered by the private operator providing the service. Following the signature of a formal agreement, the regional public authorities participating in NOEMIX will pay a fee to the regional administration of Friuli Venezia Giulia, that in turn will pay a global yearly fee to the private operator providing the integrated mobility services.